What is Global Warming?

Global warming is a serious problem affecting the earth today. Modern society is in a vicious cycle of releasing toxins from the atmosphere that cause climate change and environmental degradation. Global warming is caused by air pollution, such as metal plates, and the signs of the sun's heat and the heat it absorbs. When the atmosphere is saturated with pollution, there is a constant flow of heat around the earth to trap heat. The constant temperature of the planet has raised the temperature of the Earth at the fastest rate ever recorded!

Image by Avtar Kamani

10 Things You Can Do To Combat Global Warming

1.    Invest in energy-efficient products.

Since its national implementation in 1987, efficient electricity and product standards have released 2.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That's about the same annual CO2 emissions that about 440 million cars emit. “Energy efficiency is the lowest way to reduce gas emissions,” says Haq. Look for the Energy Star label when buying refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters and other appliances. You can see which is the most effective.

2.    Reduce water pollution.

 By saving water, CO2 emissions are also reduced. That's because it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat and processes your water. So take a shower and turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth and switch to Water sense stickers and labels. The EPA estimates that if one out of every 100 homes in the United States is replenished, it will save about 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity each year and avoid 80,000 tonnes of global warming.

3.    Other Sources of Energy

The danger posed by global warming is enormous. Abuse of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil also has an impact. The use of fossil fuels should be stopped as soon as possible. The very important solution to this crisis is the use of alternative energy sources. These include wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and hydropower. The most notable thing about using these resources is a clean environment. It does not emit pollutants or toxic gases that can lead to global warming. It doesn't care about nature and doesn't threaten the balance of nature, but the high cost of installation and installation may discourage energy companies at first, but in the long run it benefits everyone. increase. Most importantly, fossil fuel will eventually run out, and sooner or later we will have to rely on renewable energy sources for energy production. Therefore, the ultimate solution to global warming is to use alternative energy sources.

4.    Lower the plastic.

Plastics are made from petroleum, and the process of extracting, refining, and converting petroleum (or polyester, fiber) consumes surprisingly large amounts of carbon. Most plastics are incinerated and contribute to production because they do not decompose quickly in the environment. Due to the rapid growth in demand for plastics, plastic production and disposal will account for 17% of the world's carbon budget by 2050 (which is an emission that must remain within the Paris Agreement). ).

5.    Keep oil low.

Mineral fuels include coal, oil, and gas, and when they are emitted and burned, climate change is exacerbated. All countries need to move their economies away from fossil fuels as immediately.

6.    Start a weather conversation

We all need to work together to solve climate change problem. You can't do this without finding something to share with people who may not share our views. People tend to trust their peers, families and loved ones more than experts, scientists and environmental groups, so we can talk to people in ways we can never do about climate change. Maybe you have opened the hearts of people.

7.    Urge the government to take bold and enthusiastic climate measures now

Leading climate scientists recently released the Red Human Code, warning that this is the last chance to make the necessary changes to keep temperatures below 1.5 and avoid the most devastating effects of climate change. Did. Canada's climate goals are not yet sufficient to achieve a global equitable share, only dressing the G7 countries, whose emissions have increased since the signing of the Paris Agreement. I can't wait for the climate crisis. Join us in working with all government agencies to call on Canada to address climate change with the aspirations and urgency of its need.

8.    Reduce methane emissions

Recent UN reports suggest that reducing methane emissions could make a significant contribution to global emergency response. Large amounts of methane are released "in the light" of the combustion of natural gas during oil production and can be stopped by technical adjustments. Since landfills are another important source of methane, it is also important to find better ways to dispose of waste. At COP26, about 100 countries have agreed to reduce methane emissions under the USUEU Agreement. The Global Methane Pledge aims to reduce methane emissions by 30% from 2020 levels.

9.    Switch to renewable energy

The generation of electricity and heat contributes more to global production than any other economic sector. Changing the Earth's energy system from reliance on fossil fuels to pure technology known as decarbonization is critical to achieving current climate goals. Wind and solar need to control the energy mix by 2050, when countries reach zero sum. However, there are challenges. Low air means low power generation, but better battery technology helps to ensure that residual energy from renewable sources can be quickly discharged when needed.

10.    Plant more trees

According to a 2018 UN report, CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere to get a real chance to keep the Earth's temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Forests are good at absorbing the atmosphere and are one of the reasons activists and scientists are emphasizing the need to protect the environment by reducing deforestation. Trees can be important as countries fight towards zero, as carbon dioxide can "suck up" residual emissions, like forests, if gas emissions are reduced as much as possible. there is.

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